Sporting Lettings
JM Osborne Rural & Sporting is actively involved in the letting of Shoots and Fisheries. These lets are for reasonably long periods of time and are encapsulated in a Lease or Licence.
Whilst an owner may want to have a Shoot on their own Farm or Estate, they may not want to run it themselves. We have been involved in such lettings (including when they go wrong!) for over 30 years and are well aware of the need to achieve compatibility between Landlord and Tenant – the highest rent is not always the best! We know many of the main Commercial Shoot Operators, but we are just as comfortable with the letting of lower key driven and rough shooting, which is very much in demand at the current time.
Our sister company William Powell Sporting is actively engaged in the letting by the day of shooting, fishing and stalking. With its origins going back nearly forty years, William Powell Sporting is one of the leading Sporting Agents in the country, undertaking a wide range of lettings of all sorts of UK sport. In addition, William Powell Sporting also undertakes selective lettings of sport abroad.