
Our specialist knowledge of sporting matters enables us to undertake compensation work, which few other firms have the expertise to deal with. A new road or even a pipeline, may cause havoc to a Sporting Estate, a Shoot or Fishery. The effects will be incredibly hard to financially compensate. To properly deal with this, the Valuer needs real expertise in the subject, which very few Valuers have.

We are able to undertake Compulsory Purchase and Compensation work over a wide range of sporting properties including for road widening, pylons, gas or water pipes, fibre optic cables etc.

We also understand the implications of such works on the remaining property and the absolute need to mitigate the adverse effect, if at all possible.

"JM Osborne set out a 5 year plan and in that time we have gone from no grouse to shooting an excellent and sustainable surplus"

5/ 5 stars

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